Install or Reinstall ADMIN CONSOLE (ISCLITE)
If administrative console is broken or was accidentally uninstalled (happens typically in base-version of WAS), re-deployment (reinstall) of console-application can be done with jython script located in bin-folder.
- Navigate to System "System-folder"/bin/ using CMD prompt. (ex:C:\IBM\WCD\wasprofile\bin)
- Run the command:
- wsadmin -lang jython -f remove
2. Now reinstall of administrative console (isclite) will complete without errors (hopefully)
- Run the command:
- wsadmin -lang jython -f install
I am getting this error.
ReplyDeleteWASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node IBM-27f0fbbf422Node07 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[install]"
Installing Admin Console...
Deploying isclite.ear
ADMA5016I: Installation of isclite started.
ADMA5057E: Application validation failed with an unexpected exception while checking module to server relationship: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.De
ploymentDescriptorLoadException: dd_in_ear_load_EXC_
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application isclite is complete.
ADMA5014E: The installation of application isclite failed.
Exception occurred during deployAdminConsole(IBM-27f0fbbf422Node08Cell, IBM-27f0fbbf422Node07, server1): WASX7132E: Application install
for C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\BrokRegAppServer\systemApps\isclite.ear failed: see previous messages for details.
Skipping Config Save